Erectile Dysfunction Treatment with Online Canadian Pharmacy
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment with Canadian Pharmacy Mall
October 24, 2015
All Joking Aside. Save on Viagra up to 150% at Canadian Pharmacy
All Joking Aside. Save on Viagra up to 150% at Canadian Pharmacy
June 3, 2016

My Viagra treatment story

treatment story

treatment storyMy name is Tony M. (yes, I’m not disclosing my full name, because like anyone else I consider erectile dysfunction to be a delicate problem) and I want to share my rich experience with Viagra. I’ve been reading and educating myself on the pharmacological and psychological aspects of treatment for quite a long time before I took the first pill. So I’ll do my best to be brief and stay informative and helpful

Perhaps, every man looking to take advantages of Canadian Viagra is primarily interested in how long it lasts. The longer the impact on the body, the more valuable it is for a person looking to enjoy the intimacy and deliver the maximum pleasure to a woman.

However, you shouldn’t be looking for exact numbers as the reaction of the body to sildenafil citrate, the main active ingredient, is very individual. Thus, the duration is determined by the constitution of a person men, digestive system functioning peculiarities, individual sensitivity to the drug and a good bunch of other factors. Some men say they feel the effects of taking Viagra for 4 hours or more, while others the preparation lasts all night long; of course, it has no impact on some males. This way or the other you should keep in mind the range of 2-4 hours. The first pill of Viagra I took had a poor effect. I was embarassed by its effect and at that point of time I was thinking Viagra was another marketing bubble. However, the state of affairs has significantly changed after some 5-6 intakes, and frankly speaking, my body has somewhat got used to it, so after some 100+ pills I’m realizing its effect is not that bright as at the beginning.

Nevertheless, much depends on how you take the drug. To ensure greater effectiveness you should take the drug on before meals (but not on completely empty stomach). If you are having a romantic dinner and refusing form delicious foods is hardly possible, you should at least refrain from fatty products, as they may slow down the absorbtion of the preparation and decrease its efficiency. Take a pill with plenty of water no less than 20-30 minutes before an anticipated sexual intercourse. Although the average time for the onset of action equals 40-50 minutes, you should better take it 20-30 minutes beforehand to see how quickly your body reacts. In fact, PDE-5 inhibitors early stage treatment is all about adjustments basing on the response of your body. In my case at first, it took almost one hour for the drug to build up and produce the effect, but after several months of regular consumption this period became shorter and more predictable – now it takes 35-37 minutes for the drug to start working.

The first timer guide

Do not take the pill for the first time if you are soaked out. You body needs rest, and if you had a terribly busy week with lack of sleep and plenty of stressful situations, taking the drug at night is defintely not a brilliant idea. The first experience is typically accompanied with nervousness, which may grow like a snowball and provoke a failure. Keeping it positive is a key to success – even if the preparation doesn’t work as expected or in case you’ve noticed no impact at all, do not perceive it as the end of the world. According to Brand Company clinical trials, the preparation worked in 78% of cases for the first time, so it could be just not your lucky day.

Buy Canadian Viagra from proven, reliable providers as the absence of the effect or insufficient action could be nothing but poor quality of the preparation. I’ve been buying Viagra from Online Canadian Pharmacy for 2 years and the quality raised no questions. Moreover, you save hundreds of dollars with these guys in the long run, especially if you are using or planning to use the preparation on a regular basis. The price for generics starts from as little as $0.89, but you can cut off your expenses further with a generous loyalty program and dozens of seasonal discounts and promotions.

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